July 8th – Novabug’s 10 months

Novalee is 10 months old today! Guess what that means. That’s right, NOTHING other than far too much time spent to capture that perfect milestone photo. She started waving just recently, with both hands. Not sure if she knows the meaning of the wave, but she’ll do it at anyone who looks in her direction, all the while utterly stone-faced (the usual look). I’ll tell her to smile at people, just so it seems like I’m friendly (ha), but am secretly amused that she doesn’t. It’s really cute for kids to smile at strangers, however, at the risk of sounding like a paranoid mother, you never know when some people might think your kid is too cute. Hey, don’t judge me, even if I’m judging you, especially if you have a mustache and sitting at the children’s park by yourself. Megan’s Law exists for a reason. Don’t be that reason.

In other news, I am definitely not pregnant, confirmed via bathroom trip about an hour ago. Alex and I have been trying for the last month and I was hoping that it’d be just as easy as it was the first time, but nope. While this is expected since I’ve taken THREE negative pregnancy tests in the last 2 weeks, seeing the red stain in my undies still resurrects that hollow feeling from the back of my throat to the pit of my stomach. Binge watching The Handmaid’s Tale certainly isn’t helping either. A horribly entertaining show to watch, and if you haven’t seen it, it is on my recommendation list as long as you don’t mind seeing large noses on screen. Not a very sexy show to watch, and definitely is a mood killer considering the premise. Alas, I guess I still must continue to copulate with my husband if I want that #2. *sigh.

Dear Husband, if you’re not reminded enough: you are one lucky fellow. :]

And yes, I just realized that for Novalee’s 10-months, I covered pedophilia, menstrual cycle, and sex all in one post. Pretty impressive if you ask me.